
Use our scheduler below to start your journey. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


1 hour @ free

Meet Satakal to explore how he can help you achieve your goals. You'll discuss your skills, comfort level, and objectives. Satakal will develop a personalized plan tailored to your schedule.

sim coaching

1 hour @ $95

This is one hour with you, Satakal and the sim.

trackside coaching

1 day @ $700

Satakal will work with you at the track. He’ll help you set goals, review your data with you, ride passenger when possible, identify areas of improvement, teach you tools to make improvements, and give you homework to get you to your goals.

sim rental

1 hour @ $45

This appointment is with you and the sim. Satakal will be on hand to get the sim running and maintained, but will not coach.